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My love with food started while watching two of my biggest heros my Mother and Grandmother. From an early age the smell of delicious pastry were a sure bet of getting me in the kitchen.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Pasta with Chicken and Shitake Mushrooms

1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1lb chicken thighs boneless, skinless and trimmed of fat and cut in small pieces
  • 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 2 large onion diced
  • 1 red pepper, 1 celery stalk, 1 carot smoothied
  • 1lb shiitake mushrooms  sliced
  • 1/4 white wine preferably chardonay 
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt, or to taste
  • Freshly ground pepper, to taste
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 1/2 cup chopped parsley basil
  • 1 box of bow tie pasta

Preheat oil and add diced onion to sweat until they become translucent. Sprinkle salt and paprika and continue to mix so it does not stick to the bottom. Add chicken and make sure it reaches the bottom of the pan to brown a bit on both sides. 

This is a good time to put the pasta to boil as per directions on the box. 

Add the smoothie made of the pepper, celery stalk and carrot to the mixture and continue cooking at lower temperture. At this time I try to skim excess fat from the surface.

After the liquid has been reduced a bit add the diced mushroom and wine. Continue to cook until the mushrooms are done.

Add heavy whipping cream and parsley and if there is not enough liquid add some water as well as the pasta will absorb some of that. Add pepper and taste to make sure it's salted enough remember you're adding pasta and it will dilute the salness a bit. 

Pour it over pasta and voila. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Biscuiti prin Masina

2 batoane de unt
2 galbenusuri
1 cup de zahar
1/2 cup lapte caldut
1 lingura esesnta de vanilie
1/2 pachet praf de copt (Dizolvat in lapte caldut)
3 cups faina

Pentru Deasupra
Peste galbenusuri se pune esenta de vanilie zaharul, putin cite putin si se amesteca bine pina la dizolvarea lui complecta. Se adauga apoi untul, laptele si faina amestecindu-se  pina se obtine un aluat de consistenta omogena.

Se coc la 350ºF pina se rumenesc usor. Dupa ce se racesc se dau prin zaharul praf amestecat cu zaharul vaniliat.

Sara Bernhard

4 egg whites
250 gr powdered sugar
250 gr grated pistaccio or walnut
dash of salt

500 ml heavy whipping cream,
250 gr plain Milka Chocolate

125 g Milka chocolate
2 tbs milk

100 gr tbs grated pistaccio or walnut

Filling (prepared 24 in advance)
Boil the heavy whipping cream with the Milka chocolate while continuisly mixing so it does not stick to the bottom and let cool in the refrigerator over night.

Whip the eggwhites until stiff. Add powdered sugar and a dash of salt and continue to whip until it looks glossy. Add the grated nuts but don’t overmix. Pipe the mixture in form of dots on the back of a tray lined with parchment paper. Let air dry for about 15 minutes. Add to the oven that’s been preheated to 250ºF for about 25 minutes. Remove and let chill. Pair the cookies with same size.

Whip the mixture til stiff and pipe a dot to one cookie and topping it off with the pair.

Melt the chocolate with the milk and mix. Dip the top of some cookies and add a nut to decorated or rotate the cookie in the chocolate to get an even edge and then rotate in the grated nuts. Let the cookies soften for a couple of hours or overnight.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Milka Cake

10 eggs (separate)
10 tbs sugar
8 tbs flour
2 tbs cacao
1 lg baking powder

1l heavy wipping cream
500gr Milka chocolate

Se bat albusurile cu zaharul pina ce sta pe batator, se adauga zaharul. Dupa ce sa topit zaharul se adauga galbenusurile. In continuare se foloseste o lingura de acrylic sau de lems sa se amesteca prin rasturnare. Se adauga cite putin faina, cacao si praful de copt cernut. Se coace la 350ºF pina ce se trage putin de pe margine. Se scoate blatul sa se raceasca si se taie in 3 parti egale.

Se pune cu o seara dinainte la fiert  heavy wipping cream with the chocolate. Se invirte sa nu se prinda de fund si dupa ce a dat in clocot se lasa sa se raceasca si se da la frigider pina a doua zi. Se scoate crema si se toarna 2 cup de crema separat pentru a se turna peste tort.

Se bate restul pina ce ti se pare ca e usor de umplut tortul dar sa nu se transforme in unt. Se imparte crema in doua si se umple tortul inauntru. Crema nebatuta se toarna peste tort se se absoarba in blat. Se rade ciocolata deasupra pentru decorat.

Gomboti cu Prune

4 cartofi mari
1 lingurita sare
2 linguri ulei
1 ou
1 galbenus
faina (cit cuprinde) ?

1/2 kg prune
1 cup zahar

Pesmet cu zahar

Se pun cartofii la fiert taiati cuburi cu putina sare. Dupa ce au fiert cartofii se piseasa si adaugam uleiul. Se lasa sa se raceasca. Se adauga faina cit cuprinde, 1 ou intreg si un galbenus, putina sare si se framinta un aluat destul de tare. 

Se intinde o foaie de vreo 2 cm de groasa si se taie in patrate de vreo 9cm. In mijloc de fiecare patrat se pune o jumatate de pruna cu putin zahar. Se aduna colturile si se roteste in palma pina ce sint rotunde bine. Se fierb in apa clocoting pina ce se ridica la suprafata. 

Se scot si se tavalesc prin pesmet cu zahar.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Crust: 600 gr. flour, 250 gr. sugar, 2 eggs
50 gr lard, 3 tbs honey, 6 tbs milk, 1 tsp baking soda, 1 tbs lemon juice, 2 tbs. cacao

Creme: Vanila pudding, 3 pkg. vanilla sugar, 250 gr. powdered sugar, 250 gr. butter

Chocolate Glaze: 250 chocolate chips, 1 tbs. butter, 3 tbs. hot milk
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray the back of two baking sheet with cooking spray, or line with parchment paper.
  2.  Place the sugar, lard, honey, milk in a saucepan on medium heat and stir until it melts. Take off the stove and pour it over the flour, add the eggs and the baking soda mixed with the lemon juice. Knead until a well homogenized dough forms.
  3. Split the dough in 3 even pieces. 
  4. Take one piece mix it with the 2 tbs. cocoa and wrap it in a plastic bag. 
  5. Sprinkle the remaining balls of dough with flour, roll into 2 rectangles and bake for 20 minutes until golden.
  6. Cut each sheet into 3 long strips as soon as removed from the oven.
  7. Take the cocoa ball and cut into 6 even pieces and roll with your hands to make long strips and bake for 20 minutes.
  8. Remove from oven and place on cooling rack. Let cool completely before filling.
  9. In a medium bowl mix the butter with the powdered and vanilla sugar until the sugar has melted and add the vanilla pudding to the mixture.
  10. Place one sheet on a working surface cover with the creme. Place 2 rolls over the cream. Cover with creme. Place 1 roll in the middle. Cover with creme. Place 2 sheets to form the triangle. Cover with the chocolate glaze and transfer it to the fridge so it hardens for a couple of house. Cut it into slice it with a knife that gets clean in hot water and wipe it after every cut.

Monday, November 21, 2011


Amestecul de drojdie:  1 cup lapte, 2 lg drojdie, 1 ou, 1/4 lingurita sare, 2 lg faina, 2 lg zahar.

Aluatul: 7 oua, 10 lg zahar, 500ml lapte, 1 kg faina, 1 cup ulei.

Umplutura: 1000 gr brinza de vaci, 4 oua, 1/2 cup gris, 1 cup zahar.

Pentru uns: 1 ou

Amestecul de drojdie
Se adauga toate ingredientele la cana de lapte cald si se lasa sa  dospeasca (cam 15min).

Aluatul: Se bat ouale cu zaharul pina ce sta bine pe batator la care se adauga laptele fierbine si uleiul. Dupa ce sa racit se adauga amestecul de drojdie si faina cit cuprinde. Se framinta bine, pina ce s-a omogenizat cam vreo 10-15 minute. Se lasa la crescut 1 ora.

Umplutura: Se amesteca brinza cu zaharul, ouale, grisul.

Se incalzeste cuptorul la 350ºF. Dupa ce sa dospit aluatul se imparte in 2. Se intind in patura de 16”x16” de groasa si se taie in 16 bucati, patrate de o aproximatie de 4”x4”. In mijlocul fiecarui patrat se adauga cite o lingura de brinza. Se ridica cite un colt peste altul (colturi opuse) si se prinde bine sa nu se desfaca. Se adauga in tava bine unsa la o distanta de un deget. Se ung la suprafata cu un ou integ bine batut si se adauga la cuptor pentru 35 de minute.